Monday October 2nd - The END of SUBURBIA
Free film screening at the Wolf Performace Hall in the
Central Library. Visit Post
Carbon London for more info
PEAK OIL FORUM - Wednesday October
11th - 7-9PM
Presentation and Q&A Session (No Charge)
CENTRAL LIBRARY - Wolf Performace Hall
Visit Post Carbon
London for more info
NDP, Bloc & Greens Say Stop Subsidizing
Ontario’s Nuclear Reactors
January 9, 2006 - The NDP, Bloc Quebecois and
Green Party all oppose using federal taxpayer dollars to subsidize
the construction or retrofit of nuclear reactors in Ontario according
to the results of a federal election questionnaire released by the
Ontario Clean Air Alliance (OCAA) today.
For its part, the Liberal Party says it “stands ready to work
with Ontario in addressing the province’s energy needs.
It is the prerogative of Ontario, however, to determine what energy
supply mix it will rely upon….Canada has invested about $6
billion in nuclear R&D since 1952. Currently, the government
of Canada provides approximately $100 million annually to AECL for
R&D. It also provides some targeted R&D funds ($46
million, last year) for the development of the Advanced CANDU Reactor”.
According to the Conservative Party, “we have not made a decision
on this issue. We will meet with the government of Ontario
to discuss its energy requirements”.
Ontario’s nuclear generating sector is currently heavily supported
by direct and indirect public subsidies ranging from the more than
$15 billion in unfunded nuclear-related debt borne by Ontario taxpayers
and ratepayers to provincial government underwriting of multi-billion
dollar plant decommissioning and waste disposal costs. Nuclear
construction and retrofit projects in Ontario have consistently
run hundreds of millions to billions of dollars over budget and
years late in completion.
Broad support for improving renewable east-west transmission grid
The Liberal Party, the Conservative Party, the NDP and the Green
Party all support the expansion of Canada’s east-west transmission
grid to permit Ontario to increase its imports of waterpower from
Manitoba, Quebec and/or Labrador. According to the Liberal
Party, “the final decision for how to best meet electricity
and environmental needs rests with the provinces themselves; however,
should they choose to pursue hydroelectricity projects of mutual
interest, they would be eligible to receive federal funding through
the Offset System and Partnership Fund”.
The complete responses from each of the federal political parties
are available for viewing at: www.cleanairalliance.org/whatsnew/federalelectionquestionnaire.html.
New report shines light on building
a sustainable electricity future for Ontario
October 20, 2005 - Ontario can increase prosperity and
improve health and the environment while making its industries more
competitive by focusing on rewarding efficient electricity use instead
of subsidizing inefficient production and consumption. That's
the major conclusion of a groundbreaking new report, Increasing
Productivity and Moving Towards a Renewable Future: A New Electricity
Strategy for Ontario, released today by the Ontario Clean Air Alliance
Download the report (summary also available) at www.cleanairalliance.org/cleanandgreen
The Ontario Clean Air
Alliance is a coalition of health, environmental and consumer
organizations, faith communities, unions, utilities, municipalities
and individuals working for cleaner air through a coal phase-out
and the shift to a renewable electricity future. Our partner
organizations represent more than six million Ontarians.
to OCAA list to receive updates and info.
Visit the above link to find out how to take action and tell the
Ontario government know how you feel about the provinces decision
to invest in nuclear power. Find out why this is not the best choice
for Ontario, and that the government should take into consideration
the cost-overuns, construction delays and poor performance of our
existing nuclear power stations.
For more on how you can contribute to clearing
Ontario's air through your electricity purchases, visit this consumer-advice
website: www.electricitychoices.org
Help me keep this site up-to-date and informative.
Contact info@melissaparrott.com
with ideas and comments.
Energy Topics
Solar Power
Wind Power & Turbines
Nuclear & Coal drawbacks

Greenspace - Is Your Resource for
Sustainable Living Techniques, based in Ontario, Canada. The site promotes
ecological living, living in tune with the earth, not against it. Includes
easy, efficient tips for our daily lives, to live healthier and breathe
easier. Topics include, housing, energy, transportation, food, organic
gardening, solar energy, fuel, composting, recycling, environmental living,new
efficient,one tonne challenge,home ideas,eco, ecological concepts,alternative
energy,sustainable landscaping,straw-bale, tire house. earth ship, bio-diesel,
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