In this day and age we humans travel greater
distances at faster speeds. One hundred years ago no one would think
of driving from Toronto to Montreal in one day. Times have changed.
Our options for travel have increased.
We need to make decisions on our modes of transportation.
Whether travelling a short distance to work, or a long distance
to visit relatives we do have choices that will effect the earth.
With rising oil prices, fuel mileage is crucial.
Perhaps when purchasing your next vehicle, opt out on the gas guzzling
road hog SUV's and choose a hybrid model or a more fuel efficient
vehicle that will get you across the province on one tank or so.
When needing to go short distances, try using
your legs by walking or biking. Not only do you save money on the
gas, you get fresh air, and exercise (free exercise at that, not
a costly gym membership).
By choosing alternative forms of transportation
we can reduce greenhouse gases and keep our bodies healthy and fit.
Contact info@melissaparrott.com
with ideas and comments.

The last Friday of every month is a special
one for cyclists in many cities across the world. In London Ontario, anyways,
it is the day we hold a critical mass bike ride. Cyclists meet in
Victoria Park at 6pm and ride as one group down a decided route to promote
awareness of cycling in the community. This mass bike ride serves
as a reminder to motorists to share the road and to do so safely.
We're not blocking traffic - We are traffic!
So bring your bike to promote an evironmentally
friendly alternative to smog and oil consumption.
and more info on Critical Mass
January 11th 2009 Noon-8pm
London, Ontario
Come on over to the East Village Arts Co-op (757 Dundas E) for winter biking tips and tuneups. Donations accepted.
by Elizabeth Mygatt
In 2003, global production of bicycles hit
105 million—two-and-a-half times the record 42 million cars produced.
During the 1950s and 1960s, bicycle and automobile production were
nearly equal. In the decades following, however, bike output soared,
reaching 91 million in 1990, when car production totaled 36 million.
Since then, with the exception of 1997 and 1998 (when output dropped
to 90 million and then 87 million), about 100 million bikes have
been produced each year…
For entire text see http://www.earthpolicy.org/Indicators/Bike/2005.htm
For data see http://www.earthpolicy.org/Indicators/Bike/Bike_data.htm
For an index of Earth Policy Institute resources
related to BICYCLES and TRANSPORTATION see http://www.earthpolicy.org/Indicators/Bike/index.htm
And for more thoughts on “Redesigning Cities
for People”
(not cars), see Chapter 9 of Lester Brown’s ECO-ECONOMY: Building
an Economy for the Earth, at http://www.earthpolicy.org/Books/Eco/index.htm

Greenspace - Is Your Resource for
Sustainable Living Techniques, based in Ontario, Canada. The site promotes
ecological living, living in tune with the earth, not against it. Includes
easy, efficient tips for our daily lives, to live healthier and breathe
easier. Topics include, housing, energy, transportation, food, organic
gardening, solar energy, fuel, composting, recycling, environmental living,new
efficient,one tonne challenge,home ideas,eco, ecological concepts,alternative
energy,sustainable landscaping,straw-bale, tire house. earth ship, bio-diesel,
12 volt systems, windmills, solar power, London Ontario, Canada, SouthWestern |